How Biometric Attendance System Became A Redundant One?
The market had launched the biometric attendance system as the insurmountable attendance system for the business world. And employers considered it as the best available system to hassle-free manage the employees’ recognition log-ins. And they regarded it as an unbeatable device. But within a couple of years of its launch, the technical experts found various loopholes linked with its data leakage susceptibility characteristics. And slowly but steadily, employers started looking for the best alternatives to replace it altogether. And recently, with the global outbreak of coronavirus, its use has become hazardous, which can transmit the fatal virus. As in the biometric attendance system, every employee has to touch one common area (finger touchpad) to mark recognition. So this way it suddenly became a deadly device that may spread this virus among the employees. And this virus is going to stay with us for a long, so the manual attendance recording could not efficiently deal with this. Below are two major disadvantages linked to the biometric attendance system.
Data leakage susceptibility- The biometric data
(fingerprint, iris, DNA data, and vein and palm data) is saved online on the
master data. And there are high chances of its leakage. Nowadays, the banking
details are linked with the biometric-based Aadhar card, and which may call
colossal damage to anyone’s life. So any infiltration of data may cause a
profound impact on employees in their personal life.
A malfunction with a change of season- More
often the biometric attendance system which recognizes employees through their
fingerprints, starts malfunctioning during winter seasons. During winter the
skin of hands becomes rough, dry, and flaky. So this attendance system finds it
hard to register the scanning attempts.
So the best option available for employers when the government
has banned the biometric attendance system completely from the workplace. Switching
from a biometric attendance system to the next-generation face detection &
recognition KENT CamAttendance is the best way to secure the workplace. This
pre-eminent device has not only fixed the drawbacks attached to the hitherto
attendance systems, but it has moved a step ahead in the field of data
security. It stores data directly on the AES 128-bit end-to-end encrypted cloud
server & uses HTTPS Company protocol for communication. It keeps entire
data in India, and the device is designed, engineered & manufactured in
India Itself. And it is a highly useful device in the current widespread of the
hazardous coronavirus, where the government has banned the touch-based
biometric attendance system from the workplace. KENT CamAttendance: a TOUCHLESS
face detection & recognition device, secures the workplace by allowing
marking recognition even with the mask-on. It uses a patented algorithm to
differentiate between a real person and a photo, and for face recognition, it
takes less than a second with > 99.9% accuracy.